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Whats so Unique about Wolfram Alpha that Google Lacks

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Wolfram Alpha has just been launched. It is a service that responds to your questions computing data, instead of displaying links to other pages as Google does.
For now it only works in English, but in most cases the terms you use to search the names and numbers will be, or words that you probably conventional (or your friend) know in English.
Let’s start with something simple: your date of birth. Let’s assume that you was born on 10 May 1976. In a few seconds, you will know that the person’s age is 33 years and six days, or 12,059 days, or 1722 weeks and 5 days. We also know that the writer Rob Malda was born the same day that you and the sun was born at 6:17 and began at 17:22. Oh, and the moon was full.

The Alpha Wolfram knows distances – between any two points on the map. São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are the 357.7 kilometers of each other. The sound takes 17 minutes to get from one city to another, and under 1.2 milliseconds. Awesome!


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